Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Background Information

Sorry it's been so long since I posted but a heart cath test that revealed two blockages, kinda slowed me down.
Yesterday two American military members were shot outside a recruiting office on the west side of Little Rock. One died the other is now in stable condition. A couple of things about the story.
How long will we have to put up with news media and even police chiefs referring to semi-automatic rifles as assault weapons. An assault weapon is a fully automatic weapon that is used by the military or is owned by citizens who've paid thousands of dollars for the proper paperwork to own a military weapon. Yesterday's shooter used what I call a Nancy Pelosi assault weapon. That's a rifle that looks dangerous, meaning it has a trigger and bullets. The gun used in this tragic shooting wouldn't even have fallen under assault weapon with the Clinton Assault weapon ban.
Here's the additional information on the shooter that you may not hear about in the local or national media. Questions why wasn't the FBI watching this guy closer and how many of these kind of nut jobs are out there.


1 comment:

  1. Secure Arkansas organized a rally in rememberance of the first terrorist attack since 9/11. Pvt. William Long was killed and Pvt. Quinton I. Ezeagwula was wounded by Carlos Leon (aka Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad). Channel 11 was the only TV crew out there with a camera, and the AR Dem Gazette sent a reporter and a photographer. The event had several speakers who did a wonderful job. Video footage of them will be uploaded soon. However, the most shocking part of the event was when a muslim fanatic crashed the event. The fanatic drove by and yelled at us, then parked in the parking lot and stood out with a homemade sign yelling anti-American and later anti-Semetic comments. Had this been a ceremony for Tiller, this would have been the top story for both local and national media. Since it isn't a top story, it's up to you to send this to as many people as possible. In case youtube deletes the video or the account, here are multiple links to see and share the video footage.



