Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Raise Taxes lose jobs

We talk about this all the time, but here's another example of how raising taxes causes the loss of jobs. Course those who hate or want smokers to quit for the their health could give a rat's ass.


Barney is back again

Congressman Barney Frank is sticking his fingers in Fannie and Freddie Mack again. Remember he was a main proponent of letting people buy homes with bad credit scores, non verifiable income, and a multitude of other policies that helped build the housing bubble that burst and caused many of the economic problems we are seeing and living through at this time.

Barney go back to letting your boyfriend run a brothel out of your apartment and leave the housing market alone.


Cap and Trade

The real costs of the Cap and Trade bill in Congress is beginning to be revealed. Take a good look at this map from the Congressional Budget Office and see where Arkansas stands. Under this legislation your energy bill WILL go up.

It's important that you call your Congressman and tell them to vote no on this piece of legislation. Warren Buffet today on CNBC stated that this bill was a terrible '"regressive tax" that will hurt the economy from recovering.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Here is the second video.



New video

Here is one of two video's about the great buses at Little Rock Tours.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Founding Fathers Religious beliefs

I've grown tired of the numerous letters to the Editor of the Dem Gaz saying that the Founding Fathers weren't Christian but were Deists. Some were Deists for sure, Thomas Jefferson comes to mind, however many of the others were not.
Here is a very good web site that will give you the information you need to combat teachers that teach this kind of crap to your kids and the other libs you read in the paper or happen to run into in the work place or a BBQ. By the way don't expect the liberal leaning kool-aid drinker to say thanks for your sharing the truth with them. They'll probably call you an right-wing extremist then a homophobe for good measure.


Background Information

Sorry it's been so long since I posted but a heart cath test that revealed two blockages, kinda slowed me down.
Yesterday two American military members were shot outside a recruiting office on the west side of Little Rock. One died the other is now in stable condition. A couple of things about the story.
How long will we have to put up with news media and even police chiefs referring to semi-automatic rifles as assault weapons. An assault weapon is a fully automatic weapon that is used by the military or is owned by citizens who've paid thousands of dollars for the proper paperwork to own a military weapon. Yesterday's shooter used what I call a Nancy Pelosi assault weapon. That's a rifle that looks dangerous, meaning it has a trigger and bullets. The gun used in this tragic shooting wouldn't even have fallen under assault weapon with the Clinton Assault weapon ban.
Here's the additional information on the shooter that you may not hear about in the local or national media. Questions why wasn't the FBI watching this guy closer and how many of these kind of nut jobs are out there.
